A Chapter is the technical subunit of one or more IEEE Sections. Society Chapters are your local link to the valuable resources available from IEEE and its 38 technical Societies. Chapter activities may include guest speakers, workshops, and seminars, as well as social functions. Chapters provide Society members with valuable opportunities to network at a local level – enabling both personal and professional growth.
Aerospace and Electronic Systems (AES)
- Chair: Fauzia Ahmad, Ph.D., F.IEEE
Antennas and Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques (AP/MTT)
Chair: Afshin S. Daryoush, Ph.D. and Fellow of IEEE
- Vice Chair: Mohamed-Reza Tofighi
- Secretary and Treasurer: Asher Madjar
- Publicity and Local Arrangements: Sridhar Kanamaluru
Circuits and Systems/Control Systems/Systems, Man and Cybernetics (CAS/CS/SMC)
Chair: Zia Ahmad, Ph.D.
- Vice Chair: Joe Palko
- Treasurer: Steve Jaeschke
- Secretary: David Rauth
Communications/Information Theory (COM/IT)
Chair: Immanuel Friedman, Ph.D.
- Vice Chair: Eric Gray
- Secretary: Roger Partridge
Computers (C)
- Co-Chair: Li Bai
- Co-Chair: Emilio Salgueiro
Electron Devises (EDS)
- Chair: Deep Jariwala
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- Chair: Dean Landers
Electron Devices/Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (ED/CPMT)
- Chair: Nancy Ladin
Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB)
- Chair: Donald L. McEachron, Ph.D.
Life Member Group
- Chair: Joseph Maida
M. Robert Paglee, P.E. (Ret.), IEEE LM
Phone: 856.235.1626
Magnetics (MAG)
- Chair: Goran Karapetrov
Power & Energy/Industry Applications (PE/IA)
- Chair: Stanley (Stas) Muzylowski
- Vice Chair: Richard Delp
- Treasurer: Jonathan Schimpf
Power Electronics/Industry Applications (PELS/IAS)
- Chair: Grant Pitel
- Chapter Website: PPPEAC
Professional Communications (PC)
- Chair: Peter Silverberg
- Advisor: Luke Maki
Professional and Educational Activities (PEA)
- Chair: Stas Muzylowski
- Vice Chair: Richard Delp
- Professional Activity: Richard Delp
- Membership: Richard B. Adler
- Past Chair: Jonathan Schimpf
Reliability (R)
- Chair: Fulvio Olivetto
Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT)
- Chair: Francisco Campos
Signal Processing/Broadcast Technology/Consumer Electronics (SP/BT/CE)
- Chair:
Solid State Circuits
- Chair: Firooz Aflatouni, Ph.D.
- Co-Chair: Lunal Khuon, Ph.D.
Technology and Engineering Management / Social Implications of Technology (TM/SIT)
- Chair: Kenneth Foster
Vehicular Technology Society (VTS)
- Chair: Brandon S. Swartley, P.E.
- Vice Chair: Harvey Glickenstein, P.E.
- Secretary/Treasurer: Robert Fisher, P.E.
- Chapter Website: