Current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) are of interest for fast and energy-efficient manipulation of magnetic order in spintronic devices. At the meeting the speaker will review bias-field-free SOT switching in a single perpendicular magnetic layers with an engineered vertical composition gradient. The vertical structural inversion asymmetry induces strong intrinsic SOTs and a gradient-driven Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (g-DMI),... Read more →
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual:
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual:
Rare-earth-based quantum magnets are presently of significant interest, offering a new path to realize exotic states of matter such as spin liquids via the route that is alternative to the geometric frustration. I will provide a heavily biased, but historical overview of the context. Title will be explained. Stories will be told. Speaker(s): Sasha Room:... Read more →
5G, 6G, and Beyond The “cell phone” has long been the world’s most popular type of telecommunications device. Initially commercialized in the 1980s, cellular communications technologies have iterated through many “generations,” from analog to digital, from voice-centric to data-centric, from “circuit” to “packet,” from “phone” to “smartphone.” Now in its fifth generation, “5G,” cellular technologies... Read more →
Title: AI for Cybersecurity: Current Status and the Role of GPT-4 Abstract In this talk, Dr. Liu will firstly briefly summarize the past 30 years of academic research in systems security. The summary is anchored by a few "broken heart" findings, which partially motivate the applications of AI/ML technologies. Second, he will review the current... Read more →
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Philadelphia Chapter is holding a technical meeting. The topic is DC Traction Power Systems - Advanced Design Concepts. Our speakers are Mark Curry and Tony Janin, Traction Power Systems Leads, Sécheron SA, North American Market This presentation discusses the different elements, applicable standards, and common industry trends used in... Read more →
This talk will introduce a general engineering audience to Directed Energy (DE) weapon technologies and their application in modern warfare. The Directed Energy (DE) community finds itself at a point of convergence between the state of the art of various forms of DE-weapon technology, and a growing number of emerging and asymmetric threats that those... Read more →